- Kuwaiti artist, Mohammad Qambar speaks out on perseverance (Arab Times)
- Women artists of all faiths cross the homosocial divide (Huffington Post)
- Franceso Vezzoli's Madonna series is panned (The New York Times)
- Artist's vision of Jesus made up of strands (New Zealand)
- Biblical images of couples inspires South African artist (Jack Shainman Gallery)
- Hindus want comics to accurately portray scriptural heroes & tales (Press Release)
- Evangelical Preacher forms friendship with controversial artist (Bay Citizen)
- Learning how different faiths experience Lent (Huffington Post)
- Destruction of Shrines unites Hindus, Christians and Muslims against Govt (The Telegraph)
- India has amazing shrines to visit (Los Angeles Times)
- Congregationalists encountering Lent through Artwork (The Cabinet)
- Baptist Minister debates Artist over Bikini's in Bible, and Artist wins (Southwest Virginia today)
- Methodist Minister using Bible Art to Experience Lent (Saint Cloud Times)
- Travels to Roman Catholic Shrine in Wisconsin benefiting Hotels (Green Bay Press Gazzette)
- Roman Catholic Priest Makes Artist Studios of Former Classrooms (The New York Times)
- New Jersey Preservationists Preserve Roman Catholic Church (New Jersey Journal)
- Retiremen Village commissions art for Catholic chapel (Post & Courier)
- Stained glass artist Pippa Blackall commissioned to design historic UK church (Sutton Coldfield)
- Black Athlete, Darren Brents religious tattoos (Daily Star)
- Review of Liza Lou's new book (Think Big)
- Jesus statue looks out over Skiers in Montana (USA Today)
- Prince Charles adds voice to online King James Bible (UK Press Association)
- Updated version of NIV bible debuts in time for Lent (Press Release)
- The History of Ash Wednesday (Yahoo Answers)
- Answering the Question of Who Fasts During Lent? (Manila Bulletin)
- History of Shrove/Pancake/Fat Tuesday (Times & Transcript)
- Ars Moriendi, A commission for senior center focuses on dying well (Wellcome Trust)
- High Tech Bible Trading Cards (Business News Daily)
- Prisoners learn art to help with living on outside (St. Louis Post Dispatch)
- March Chagall on view in Philadelphia (The Inquirer)
- Brooklyn museum exhibits Hindu God (SiFy News)
- St. Patrick's Cathedral sponsors youth tour of Gospel art at Metropolitan Museum of Art (Earned Media)
- Scientists link cave art and mushroom drugs (UPI)
- JMW Turner's masterpiece on Romes Baroque churches on view at Getty (ArtDaily)
- Canada's Granger award for photographers announced (ArtDaily)
- Italy's Museo Diocesano presents major Carravagio show (ArtDaily)
- Scientists create art to make since of data including the mysteries of the Bible (Wired Science)
- Gallery at Park School presents Jewish women artists (Rada Redux)
- Christian Comic Arts Society seeks volunteers (CCAS)
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